
Here you can find all publications of the members of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies.
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Bandau, AL 2024, La Révolution de Saint-Domingue dans le théâtre populaire français des années 1790. in R Ludwig, N Ueckmann, G Febel & F Bruneau-Ludwig (eds), Les Lumières dans les Caraïbes françaises et la circulation transatlantique des idées. Classiques Garnier, pp. 195 - 220.
Conermann, S, Rauhut, C, Schmieder, U & Zeuske, M (eds) 2024, Cultural Heritage and Slavery: Perspectives from Europe. Dependency and Slavery , vol. 10, 1 edn, de Gruyter, Berlin, Boston.,
Hatzky, C 2024, Civil Society and Peace: Four Case Studies from Latin America. in Peace in Latin America: Shifting paradigms in the studies of Culture, Society and Politics. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.
Hatzky, C, Bandau, AL & Becker, L (eds) 2024, Genero e interseccionalidad en la historia y la cultura de Centroamérica y el Caribe (siglos XIX y XX). Universidad de Costa Rica, San José.
Hatzky, C, Chinas Salazar, DDC & Michael, J (eds) 2024, Paz: Visiones, estrategias, luchas. Teseo, Buenos Aires.
Hatzky, C, Mackenbach, W, Diaz Arias, D, Michael, J & Onken, H (eds) 2024, Peace in Latin America: Shifting paradigms in the studies of Culture, Society and Politics. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.
Ohlraun, V 2024, A School of One’s Own: Ellen Irene Diggs and the Cuban Politics of Race. in C Hatzky, L Becker & A Bandau (eds), GÉNERO E INTERSECCIONALIDAD en la historia y la cultura de Centroamérica y el Caribe (siglos XIX y XX). Center for Historical Research of Central America, San José, pp. 265 – 306.
Rempel, N & Araya Araya, K 2024, Estrellas Negras 'en el flamante blanco, azul y rojo': poesía 'rotundamente negra' de los siglos XX y XXI - una perspectiva literaria conjunta del pensamiento afrofeminista en Costa Rica. in C Hatzky, L Becker & A Bandau (eds), Género e interseccionalidad en la historia y la cultura de Centroamérica y el Caribe (siglos XIX y XX). Gender and Intersectionality in the History and Culture of Central America and the Caribbean (19th and 20th centuries). San José (Costa Rica), pp. 125-174.
Schmieder, U 2024, Dealing with Dissonant Cultural Heritage: Traces of Enslavers in European Cityscapes. in U Schmieder, M Zeuske, S Conermann & C Rauhut (eds), Cultural Heritage and Slavery: Perspectives from Europe. 1 edn, de Gruyter, Berlin/ Boston, pp. 1-84.


Bandau, AL & Singler, C 2023, Haïti – La littérature du grand séisme de 2010. in S Segler-Meßner & I von Treskow (eds), Traumatisme et mémoire culturelle: France et espaces francophones., 29, De Gruyter Handbook, de Gruyter, pp. 443-456.
Bandau, AL 2023, Slavery, abolition and Civic education in French Boulevard theater during the French revolution. in Staging Slavery: Performances of Colonial Slavery and Race from International Perspectives, 1770-1850. Routledge, London, New York, pp. 15 - 48.
Bastias Saavedra, M & Rodríguez Sánchez, A 2023, 'Nature, Bodies, and Land: Reframing Ownership and Property in Early Modern Spanish America', Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, vol. 12, no. 24.
Conermann, S, Rauhut, C, Schmieder, U & Zeuske, M 2023, Preface. in Cultural Heritage and Slavery: Perspectives from Europe. Dependency and Slavery Studies, vol. 10, de Gruyter, pp. v-vi.
Czerner, T 2023, Heiligenverehrung und Hagiographie. in L Becker, E Eggert, S Gramatzki & C Mayer (eds), Handbuch Mittelalter und Renaissance in der Romania: Titel: . Mittelalter und Renaissance in der Romania , vol. 12, Peter Lang AG Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften and Peter Lang, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, pp. 242-248.
Gabbert, W 2023, 'Amerindian war and religion in the Eastern Woodlands of North America, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries', History and Anthropology, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 78-98.
Gohrisch, J & Stedman, G (eds) 2023, Affective Polarisation: Social Inequality in the UK after Austerity, Brexit and COVID-19. Bristol University Press, Bristol.
Gohrisch, J & Stedman, G 2023, Introduction. in J Gohrisch & G Stedman (eds), Affective Polarisation: Social Inequality in the UK after Austerity, Brexit and COVID-19. Bristol University Press, pp. 1-10.
Gohrisch, J 2023, Racialised Affective Polarisation in the UK. in J Gohrisch & G Stedman (eds), Affective Polarisation: Social Inequality in the UK after Austerity, Brexit and COVID-19. Bristol University Press, pp. 125-141.
Lastra Bravo, JA 2023, 'La construcción de una Constitución en Chile y el avance en el proceso de democratización del Estado Postcolonial: Perspectivas y visiones para América Latina', Puentes Interdisciplinarios, vol. 2023, no. 2.
Lastra Bravo, JA 2023, 'Social inequality and environmental injustice: The effects of global Consumption on the Global South', Pacha. Revista de Estudios Contemporaneros del Sur Global, pp. 1-16.