Género e interseccionalidad en Centroamérica y el Caribe / Gender and Intersectionality in Central America and the Caribbean

The bilingual e-publication "Gender and Intersectionality in the History and Culture of Central America and the Caribbean (19th and 20th centuries)" ("Género e interseccionalidad en la historia y la cultura de Centroamérica y el Caribe (siglos XIX y XX"), edited by Christine Hatzky (Speaker of the Centre of Atlantic and Global Studies (CEAGS) at the Leibniz University Hanover, Germany) and Anja Bandau and Lidia Becker (Members of the CEAGS), covers a variety of topics and periods in the history and culture of Central America and the Caribbean.

Authors include Christine Hatzky, Anja Bandau, Lidia Becker, Friederike Apelt, Karla Araya, Wolf Behnsen, Werner Mackenbach, Vanessa Ohlraun, Natascha Rempel, Ulrike Schmieder, Alexia Ugalde Quesada and María Yaksic.

Published by the Center for Historical Research of Central America, San José, Costa Rica, in the framework of the EU-project ConnecCaribbean - Connected Worlds.

Table of Content:


Christine Hatzky, Anja Bandau, Lidia Becker......................... 1


Christine Hatzky, Anja Bandau, Lidia Becker......................... 18

Género y monumentos a la resistencia de personas esclavizadas y sus descendientes en Martinica y Cuba dentro del contexto de las culturas memoriales de la esclavitud en el Caribe

Ulrike Schmieder.................................................................... 35

Disciplining “Carnal Liberty”: Moravian Conceptions of Gender, Class, and Ethnicity and the Intimate after the Abolition of Slavery in 19th-Century Suriname

Wolf Behnsen.......................................................................... 95

Estrellas Negras “en el flamante blanco, azul y rojo”: poesía “rotundamente negra” de los siglos XX y XXI – una perspectiva literaria conjunta del pensamiento afrofeminista en Costa Rica

Karla Araya-Araya y Natascha Rempel.................................. 125

Pensadoras caribeñas del siglo XX: pan-noirisme, internacionalismo negro y negritud en Jane Nardal y

Suzanne Césaire

Werner Mackenbach................................................................ 175

Potencia crítica, interseccionalidad y escritura: la voz de Paulette Nardal en la cultura impresa del espacio colonial y poscolonial francófono (1928-1951)

María Yaksic.......................................................................... 225

A School of One’s Own: Ellen Irene Diggs and the Cuban Politics of Race

Vanessa Ohlraun.................................................................... 265

Biopolítica, feminismo y Guerra Fría cultural: Costa Rica durante las décadas 1960-1970

Alexia Ugalde Quesada.......................................................... 307

From Assumed Equality to Acknowledging Difference: Solidarity between West German and Nicaraguan Women in the context of the Sandinista Revolution (1979-1991)

Friederike Apelt...................................................................... 349

Acerca de las editoras y las personas autoras........................ 387


The publication can be downloaded here.