Queering the Museum?

by Dr. Isabel Bredenbröker (Humboldt University of Berlin) as part of the seminar "Was macht die Maus im Museum. Critical archive studies and museology" by Vanessa Ohlraun (Leibniz Universität Hannover) and Dr. Mareike Späth (Landesmuseum Hannover)
Topic: "Non-Normative Relationships Wanted! - Testing Queer Methods at the Ethnologisches Museum Berlin" and "Speculative Futures Wanted! - In search of queer temporality at the Ethnologisches Museum Berlin" (Berlin University Alliance X-Student Research Group and DFG project "Queering the museum?")
Further information here.
Short bio:
Dr. Isabel Bredenbröker is a social and cultural anthropologist and DFG Walter Benjamin Postdoctoral Fellow at CARMAH and Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik at Humboldt University Berlin. Isabel has produced ethnographic films, organized exhibitions in museum and contemporary art contexts and is a member of the EASA European Network for Queer Anthropology. Isabel's book "Rest in Plastic: Death, Time and Synthetic Materials in a Ghanaian Ewe Community" will be published by Berghahn in 2024. See http://isabelbredenbroeker.com/
24. Jan. 202416:15 - 17:45
Contact information
Historisches Seminar, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Im Moore 21Room: B 108