title = "Lugares de memoria, lugares de silencio: la esclavitud atl{\'a}ntica en museos espa{\~n}oles y cubanos desde una perspectiva comparada internacional",
keywords = "Erinnerung, Erinnerungsort, Schweigen, Sklaverei, Museum, Spanien, Kuba, Memory, Site of Memory, Silence, Slavery, Museum, Spain, Cuba",
author = "Ulrike Schmieder",
note = "Funding Information: We thank the artisanal fishing communities in Colombia who participated in this National Dialogue, their struggles and work towards maintaining their ancestral ways of living and fishing territories have been our source of inspiration. This research was funded by Fonciencias (2018, research project No. VIN2018159). The National Dialogue had the financial and logistical support from the Vice-Chancellor's Office for Research and the Vice-Chancellor's Office for Extension and Social Projection of the Universidad del Magdalena. In particular, we are grateful for the support from Jes{\'u}s Jim{\'e}nez, Reinaldo Sagbini and the communications team at the Universidad del Magdalena. Thanks to Kenedith M{\'e}ndez Guti{\'e}rrez and Sebasti{\'a}n Duch{\^e}ne for their support with data visualisation. We express our gratitude to the people and organisations that participated as panellists and who attended the Dialogue (in person and remotely), also to the 160 people who have digitally endorsed this manifesto for their support and solidarity. Este art{\'i}culo es uno de los resultados del proyecto de investigaci{\'o}n financiado por la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), SCHM 1050/5-1.",
year = "2021",
language = "Spanish",
volume = "20",
pages = "52--80",
journal = "Jangwa Pana",
issn = "1657-4923",
number = "1",