Here you can find all publications of the members of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies.
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Showing results 201 - 220 out of 581
Gohrisch, J & Schmidt-Haberkamp, B 2017, Cosmopolitan/Global/Planetary Fictions: The Uses and Abuses of Comparative Approaches. in U Berns & J Mathieson (eds), Anglistentag 2016 Hamburg: Proceedings. Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English, vol. 38, WVT - Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, Trier, pp. 211-217, Anglistentag 38, Hamburg , Germany, 21 Sept 2016.
Gohrisch, J 2017, 'Ideological Tension and Formal Experimentation in Vic Reid's New Day', Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies, vol. 9, no. 1-2, pp. 71-93.
Hatzky, C 2017, Mella, hereje y ángel rebelde..
Hatzky, C 2017, Neuspanien am Vorabend der Unabhängigkeit: Die Entstehung eines mexikanischen Nationalbewusstseins. Eroberung und Kolonisierung Mexikos: Indigene und Spanier zwischen Vernichtung und transkultureller Verschmelzung (Studienbrief FernUni Hagen), vol. 3, Fernuniversität Hagen.
Mayer, R 2017, 'Bits and Pieces: Seriality, Shortness and Dream of the Rarebit Fiend', Film Studies, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 16-31.
Mayer, R 2017, 'In the Nick of Time? Detective Film Serials, Temporality, and Contingency Management, 1919-1926', The Velvet light trap, no. 79.
Onken, H 2017, 'Gisela Cánepa Koch und Ingrid Kummels (Hrsg.): Photography in Latin America. Images and Identities Across Time and Space (Postcolonial Studies), Bielefeld: transcript, 2016', Anthropos, vol. 112, no. 2, pp. 652-654.
Restall, M & Gabbert, W 2017, Maya Ethnogenesis and Group Identity in Yucatán, 1500-1900. in BJ Beyyette & LJ LeCount (eds), The Only True People. University Press of Colorado, pp. 91-130.
Schmieder, U 2017, 'Les sévices commis par la famille Desgrottes, histoires de maltraitance d’esclaves et de leur résistance à la Martinique', Millars. Espai i història, vol. XLII, no. 1, pp. 193-217.
Schmieder, U 2017, Nach der Sklaverei – Martinique und Kuba im Vergleich. vol. 1, 2 edn, LIT, Münster.
Bastias Saavedra, M & Plaza, C 2016, 'Del control a la reforma social: La cuestión social en los congresos científicos Latinoamericanos (1898-1908)', Estudos ibero-americanos, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 283-307.
Bös, M & Zimmer, K 2016, Wenn Grenzen wandern: Zur Dynamik von Grenzverschiebungen im Osten Europas. in Grenzsoziologie: Die politische Strukturierung des Raumes. 2. Auflage edn, Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, pp. 157- 184.
Bös, M 2016, Zur Evolution nationalstaatlich verfasster Gesellschaften. in G Preyer (ed.), Strukturelle Evolution und das Weltsystem: Theorien, Sozialstruktur und evolutionäre Entwicklungen. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, pp. 215-223.
Gabbert, W 2016, 'Editorial Board: Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies', Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, vol. 11, no. 3.
Gabbert, W 2016, '"God save the king of the mosquito Nation!" Indigenous leaders on the fringe of the Spanish empire', Ethnohistory, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 71-93.
Gabbert, W 2016, Zwischen Unabhängigkeitskampf, Caudillismus und Französischer Intervention: Staats- und Nationsbildung in Mexiko, 1800-1867. in E Frie & U Planert (eds), Revolution, Krieg und die Geburt von Staat und Nation: Staatsbildung in Europa und den Amerikas 1770–1930. vol. v.3, Bedrohte Ordnungen, Mohr-Siebeck, Tübingen, pp. 65- 82.
Hatzky, C 2016, Cubans in Angola: Internationalist Solidarity, Transfers and Interactions in the Global South 1975-1991. in S Bott, JM Hanhimaki, J Schaufelbuehl & M Wyss (eds), Neutrality and Neutralism in the Global Cold War: Between or Within the Blocs?. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 196-212.
Hatzky, C 2016, 'Silke Strickrodt, Afro-European Trade in the Atlantic World. The Western Slave Coast c. 1550-c.1885. (Western Africa Series.) Woodbridge, James Currey 2015', HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, vol. 303, no. 1, pp. 154-156.
Loock, K 2016, 'Jewish immigrants as New World explorers and conquistadores: narrative identity fashioning and political purpose in the early twentieth century', Atlantic Studies : Global Currents, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 512-534.
Mayer, R 2016, Early Post-Cinema: The Short Form, 1900/2000. in S Denson & J Leyda (eds), Post-Cinema: Theorizing 21st-Century Film. Reframe Books, Falmer, pp. 616-645. <>