Here you can find all publications of the members of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies.
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Showing results 141 - 160 out of 578
Gabbert, W 2019, The Second Conquest: Continental and Internal Colonialism in Nineteenth-Century Latin America. in D Schorkowitz, JR Chávez & IW Schröder (eds), Shifting Forms of Continental Colonialism: Unfinished Struggles and Tensions. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Singapur, pp. 333-362.
Gabbert, W 2019, Violence and the Caste War of Yucatán. Cambridge University Press.
Gohrisch, J 2019, 'Arguing with the Coloniser: Linguistic Strategies in John Jacob Thomas's Froudacity', Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies (Print), vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 151-163.
Gohrisch, J 2019, 'Integration und Widerstand: Sichtbare Minderheiten (nicht nur) in Großbritannien' Unimagazin: Forschungsmagazin der Leibniz Universität Hannover, vol. 2019, no. 03/04, pp. 30-33. <>
Gohrisch, J 2019, Populär- und Jugendkulturen. in R Sturm (ed.), Länderbericht Großbritannien: Geschichte, Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft. 4. edn, Schriftenreihe / Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, vol. 10438, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn, pp. 326-347.
Gohrisch, J 2019, Postkolonialismus in der britischen Kultur. in R Sturm (ed.), Länderbericht Großbritannien: Geschichte, Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft. 4 edn, Schriftenreihe, vol. 10438, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn, pp. 70-73.
Gohrisch, J & Schulze, R 2019, 'Representing the World in Language: Cultural Linguistic Perspectives on Brexit', Journal for the Study of British Cultures, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 87-100.
Hatzky, C 2019, A great future lies ahead (Cuba 1923). in B Potthast & K Schembs (eds), Student protests in the global South: Annotated Sources (1918-2018). Universität Köln, Köln, pp. 119-122.
Hatzky, C 2019, All Things Transregional? in M Baumeister, M Braig, A Eckert, G Khalil, T Kirchner & H Rosenbach (eds), All Things Transregional?: A Conversation about Transregional Research. Areas and Disciplines, vol. 4, Max Weber Stiftung, Bonn, pp. 92-100.
Hatzky, C 2019, Aufklärerische Kolonialkritik und die Herausbildung der Antisklavereibewegung. in C Büschges & S Rinke (eds), Das Ende des alten Kolonialsystems. Dokumente zur Geschichte der europäischen Expansion, vol. 8, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, pp. 93-187.
Hatzky, C & Diaz Arias, D 2019, ¿Cuando pasara el temblor? Crisis, violencia y paz en la America Latina contemporánea. Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de América Central, San José. <>
Hatzky, C 2019, Declaration of Principles of the Student Federation of Cuba (1924). in B Potthast & K Schembs (eds), Student protests in the global South: Annotated Sources (1918-2018). Universität Köln, Köln, pp. 98-101.
Hatzky, C 2019, Julio A. Mella (Cuba 1903-Mexico 1929). in B Potthast & K Schembs (eds), Student protests in the global South: Annotated Sources (1918-2018). Universität Köln, pp. 75-75.
Hatzky, C & Diaz Arias, D 2019, Paz, memoria, justicia: Experiencas de transición en América Latina. in ¿Cuándo pasará el temblor?: Crisis, violencia y paz en la América Latina Contemporánea. Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de América Central, pp. 15-30. <>
Hatzky, C 2019, Peace processes in the Circum-Caribbean region: Revolution, civil war and peace in Central America. in CN Orovio, D González-Ripoll Navarro & MR del Árbol Moro (eds), The Caribbean: Origin of the modern world. Doce Calles, Madrid, pp. 211-216. <>
Hatzky, C 2019, Slavery. in O Kaltmeier, J Raab, M Foley, A Nash, S Rinke & M Rufer (eds), The Routledge Handbook to the History and Society of the Americas. 1. edn, Taylor and Francis Inc., London, pp. 184-196. <>
Hatzky, C 2019, Unfree labor. in O Kaltmeier, J Raab, M Foley, A Nash, S Rinke & M Rufer (eds), The Routledge Handbook to the History and Society of the Americas. Taylor and Francis Inc., London, pp. 197-204. <>
Hatzky, C & Onken, H 2019, 'Wanderungsbewegungen: Migration in historischer Perspektive' Unimagazin: Forschungsmagazin der Leibniz Universität Hannover, vol. 2019, no. 03/04, pp. 4-7. <>
Kaltmeier, O, Burchardt, H-J, Hatzky, C, Hammerschmidt, C & Pollvogt, N 2019, Verbundprojekt Maria Sibylla Merian International Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Coping with crises: Schlussbericht: Vorphase 2017-2019: Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.03.2017-28.02.2019. Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft, AG 4 "Schulentwicklung und Schulforschung", Bielefeld.
Lastra Bravo, J & Rojas Hernández, J 2019, Quality of Life from the South, Local Knowledge, Socio-Ecological Relationships, and Citizen Participation in Times of Global Climate Change. in F Irtelli, F Durbano & SG Taukeni (eds), Quality of Life : Biopsychosocial Perspectives. IntechOpen, pp. 1-21.