
Here you can find all publications of the members of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies.
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Showing results 61 - 80 out of 578


Pardey, H 2022, John, Elnathan. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Pardey, H 2022, John, Elnathan: Born on a Tuesday. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart.
Pardey, H 2022, 'Susanne Gehrmann: Autobiographik in Afrika: Literaturgeschichte und Genrevielfalt', Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 77-78.
Pardey, H 2022, 'Verena Jain-Warden and Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp (editors): Representing Poverty in the Anglophone Postcolonial World', Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies (Print), vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 152-154.
Rempel, N 2022, ¿Transficción? La “China” de Carlos A. Aguilera en Teoría del alma china. in Geografías caleidoscópicas: América Latina y sus imaginarios intercontinentales. vol. 129, Ediciones de Iberoamericana, vol. 129, Iberoamericana/Vervuert, Madrid, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 181-206.
Schmieder, U 2022, 'Exhibition: L’Abîme. Nantes dans la traite atlantique et l’esclavage colonial 1707–1830/The Abyss. Nantes’s role in the slave trade and colonial slavery 1707–1830. Château des Ducs de Bretagne/Musée d’Histoire, Nantes, 16 October 2021– 19 June 2022. Catalogue: Krystel Gualdé: L’Abîme. Nantes dans la traite atlantique et l’esclavage colonial 1707–1830, Nantes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2021', Comparativ : C : Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 118-123. <>
Schmieder, U 2022, Museos marítimos europeos y esclavitud: ¿memoria u olvido deliberado? Barcelona, Londres (Greenwich), Lisboa (Belém) y Flensburgo. in M Rodrigo y Alharilla (ed.), Del Olvido a la memoria: La esclavitud en la España contemporánea. 1 edn, vol. 1, Icaria, Barcelona, pp. 283.


Bandau, AL 2021, Create Dangerously: A Poetics of Writing as Memorial Art; The Text as Echo Chamber. in J Evans Braziel & NT Clitandre (eds), The Bloomsbury Handbook to Edwidge Danticat. Bloomsbury, London/New York, pp. 213 - 230.,
Bandau, AL 2021, Enlightenment tropes in French popular theater on the Haitian Revolution in the 1790s. in E Amann & M Boyden (eds), Reverberations of Revolution: Transnational Perspectives, 1770-1850. Edinburgh University Press, pp. 93-114.
Bastias Saavedra, M 2021, 'La Diversidad como Paradoja: Los puntos ciegos del derecho y su reconstrucción histórica', Revista de Estudios Histórico-Juridicos, vol. 43, no. 43, pp. 639-657.
Bravo, JAL 2021, Indigenous Peoples, Uncertainty and Exclusion in the Global South in Periods of the Pandemic. in Anxiety, Uncertainty, and Resilience During the Pandemic Period: Anthropological and Psychological Perspectives. IntechOpen.
Ehrenbold, T, Hatzky, C, Rothmann, M & Bieri, AL 2021, Roche in Asien und Ozeanien. Roche in der Welt 1896-2021 / Herausgeber: Alexander Lukas Bieri, Editiones Roche, Lörrach.
Gabbert, W 2021, Violencia y paz en América Latina colonial y poscolonial. in H Christine, S Martínez Fernández, J Michael & H Wagner (eds), ¿Latinoamérica y paz?: Propuestas para pensar y afrontar la crisis de la violencia. Teseo, Buenos Aires, pp. 39-65. <>
Gohrisch, J 2021, 'Susheila Nasta and Mark U. Stein (editors): The Cambridge History of Black and Asian British Writing', Anglia: Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie, vol. 139, no. 2, pp. 463-467.
Gohrisch, J 2021, 'World War I and its Aftermath: Reaching for the Past and across the Atlantic', Journal of European Studies, vol. 51, no. 3-4, pp. 304-317.
Hatzky, C & Potthast, B 2021, Lateinamerika 1800-1930. Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte, vol. 48, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin, Boston.
Hatzky, C, Martínez Fernández, SA, Michael, J & Wagner, H (eds) 2021, Latinoamérica y paz? Propuestas para pensar y afrontar la crisis de la violencia. Teseo, Buenos Aires. <>
Hatzky, C & Rothmann, M 2021, Roche in Africa. Roche in the World. 1896-2021. A Global History, vol. 3, Editiones Roche, Lörrach.
Hatzky, C & Rothmann, M 2021, Roche in Afrika. Roche in der Welt 1896-2021. Eine globale Geschichte, vol. 3, Editiones Roche, Lörrach.
Lastra Bravo, JA 2021, 'The resurgence of the Selk'nam. Dynamics of ethnoheterogenesis, ethnicity, and legal recognition in the Tierra del Fuego', Runas. Journal of Education and Culture, vol. 2, no. 4, e21038.