
Here you can find all publications of the members of the Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies.
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Showing results 101 - 120 out of 560


Pardey, H 2020, Adebayo, Ayobami: Stay With Me. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Pardey, H 2020, Atta, Sefi. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Pardey, H 2020, Atta, Sefi: Everything Good Will Come . in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Pardey, H 2020, Evans, Diana. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Pardey, H 2020, Evans, Diana: 26a. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Pardey, H 2020, Middlebrow 2.0: The Digital Affect and the New Nigerian Novel. in C Ehland & J Gohrisch (eds), Imperial Middlebrow. Literary Modernism, vol. 7, Brill | Rodopi, Leiden, pp. 218-239.
Pardey, H 2020, 'Middlebrow Postcolonialisms: Studying Readers in the Digital Age', Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 67-88.
Pardey, H 2020, Obioma, Chigozie. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Pardey, H 2020, Obioma, Chigozie: The Fishermen. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Pardey, H 2020, Oyeyemi, Helen. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Pardey, H 2020, Oyeyemi, Helen: The Icarus Girl. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Pardey, H 2020, Selasi, Taiye. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Pardey, H 2020, Selasi, Taiye: Ghana Must Go. in HL Arnold (ed.), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. J.B. Metzler.
Rinke, S & Bastias Saavedra, M 2020, Der 11. September 1973 und die ersten hundert Tage der chilenischen Junta. in C Cwik, H-J König & S Rinke (eds), Diktaturen in Lateinamerika im Zeitalter des Kalten Krieges. Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz, pp. 199-222.
Saavedra, MB 2020, 'The many histories of world society', Rechtsgeschichte, no. 28, pp. 301-303.
Schüren, U & Gabbert, W 2020, Human Sacrifice and Ritualised Violence in the Americas before the European Conquest. in M Gordon, R Kaeuper & H Zurndorfer (eds), The Cambridge World History of Violence. Cambridge University Press, pp. 390-410.


Bandau, A 2019, Der französische Dichter und Aufklärer Jean-François Saint-Lambert kritisiert in seiner Erzählung „Ziméo“ (1769) den transatlantischen Sklavenhandel. in S Rinke & C Büschges (eds), Das Ende des alten Kolonialsystems. Dokumente zur Geschichte der europäischen Expansion, vol. 8, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, pp. 165-175.
Bandau, AL 2019, Qu’est-ce que les textes coloniaux peuvent-ils contribuer aux études postcoloniales? Le cas de la Révolution haïtienne. in G Knauer & I Phaf-Rheinberger (eds), Caribbean Worlds, Mundos Caribeños, Mondes Caribéens. Bibliotheca Ibero- Americana, vol. 177, Iberoamericana Vervuert, Vervuert, pp. 285-300.
Bandau, A & Singler, C 2019, Transinsular, transkulturell, transnational, transatlantisch: Karibische Literatur(en). in D Bischoff & S Komfort-Hein (eds), Handbuch Literatur & Transnationalität. vol. 7, Handbücher zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Philologie, vol. 7, de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 401-417.,
Bös, M 2019, Migration. in Staatslexikon : Recht, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft : in 5 Bänden: 3. Band: Herrschaft-Migration. 1 edn, vol. 3. <>